Though additive manufacturing techniques have managed to break into a variety of demanding industries, people have remained fairly skeptical that it can rise to the challenges posed by the aerospace and automotive fields. These are fields that require precision and reliable durability. However, as our 3D printing company in Seattle is pleased to learn, a 3D printing innovator has recently managed to produce a high-quality engine component for a racing team.
An autobody shop and parts reseller known as English Racing recently needed a new part for their half-mile racing engines. They realized that their existing engine system developed a very high pressure in the oil pump when it reached a high RPM. In order to solve this problem, they would have to replace a certain gear. To do so, they turned to a company called Metal Technology Inc.
Due to the nature of the gear, it would have been highly difficult to construct via traditional milling or lathing. Metal Technology therefore decided to turn to their ProX 300 Direct Metal Printing machine. This machine is able to produce fine, accurate models with the kind of precision that is needed in racing machines. It was also able to produce the final product in roughly a tenth of the time it may have taken to produce the initial prototype via conventional manufacturing processes.
If 3D printing can produce parts capable of shouldering the burden of high-performance machinery like racecars, there truly is no limits to its potential. We look forward to seeing other industries benefit from the cost-cutting and time-saving techniques of additive manufacturing.