Exploring Quality & Service with the Women of 3DC
A major part of the success of any company is organization, especially for a small business that is starting to establish itself in a competitive industry. Fortunately for 3D Composites we have Mary Lee Larson keeping the production process in-line for maximum service.
Mary Lee is the Production Manager for 3DC, meaning she has her hands on each part as it moves down the line. “I track production – as parts come off the printer I check them in and make sure that they’re documented, update purchase orders, check parts into shipping and ship everything out.” She makes it sound simple, but with additive manufacturing there are a lot of moving parts. Orders for small and large production runs means keeping tabs on each and every part over an extended period of time which can be a handful, but Mary Lee has the manufacturing experience to back it up.
“I come from a timber industry background, I was there for 28 years, 13 years as an environmental safety manager and 15 years as an inspector for all the product before it was shipped out.” Company dynamics were a little different for Mary Lee back in the timber industry, “There were only three women and forty men, but when I moved into management it became a little easier…the other two women moved up ranks as well, starting at the bottom with me and moving up to an engineer and a machine operator.”
Since starting at 3D Composites in the beginning of 2016 the workplace has changed for her. “I think it’s great [working with majority women at 3DC], you see it in the news everyday now, [women] are starting to move into the forefront.”
Part of the assurance of working with 3D Composites is the 100% on-time delivery record. Mary Lee manages the production tracking and shipping schedule, making sure that each and every part gets out the door and in the hands of the customer as scheduled.
Click here to contact us for more information about how we can help you take the next step towards printing your design, and check back next month to learn more about quality and service with the women of 3DC.