If you ever need an example of the raw potential of even the more economical varieties of 3D printing, you need only to look at the work of Christoph Laimer. This German designer recently unveiled a fully functional tourbillon pocket watch, constructed entirely out of parts printed with FFF 3D printing technology. The watch is powered by a large, 3D printed spring which is wound up via a key in the back. After being fully wound, the watch can run for a total of about thirty-five minutes. Though the watch is still on the large size, and it deviates from standard time by a bit under 0.5 seconds every minute, this still represents an impressive feat for something made entirely out of plastic.
Christoph Laimer’s watch has already made quite a stir in the online community. You can find the complete 3D model, as well as video instructions for its assembly, on Thingiverse. To find out more about the amazing potential of 3D printing and rapid prototyping, contact our 3D printing company in Seattle.